Friday 29 August 2014

Interview with Melissa brooks from the aquadolls!

Hi mellisa, thankuou very much for taking the time to answer a few questions that I have been emailed.
Hello, lovely to talk to you very sad we couldn't do this face to face! Start the questions right away sweetie 

Thankyou, the first one is from nancy : I love your style where do you buy most your clothes?
That's so lovely. As you know I live in America so whenever I get the chance I visit San fransico and hit the vintage stores there! I am a massive fan of denim on denim believe it or not? Even though everyone says it's a fashion nightmare, myself I am a fan.

Im secretly a fan of denim on denim too! Second question, from Rachel, where do you get the ideas for you music?
Aha wow, this is a hard one. I'm not to sure I just write what I am feeling. I find that is the best. My song rich boys is actually about an ex boyfriend though.

That's very cool. Next question from emily, relating to the last one, when did you decide you wanted to be a musician?
From a very young age I wanted to do music, I was always in the musicals at school and finally started writing my own music when I was around nine years old.

Next and last question from millie, if you could visit anywhere in the world where  would it be?
Oh gosh! This is a hard one I would say London or Paris because they are both cities and I am a city girl. Everyone there seems very fashionable too haha. I hope to play there soon.

Thankyou very much Melissa! I hope to meet you soon when you come to London lovely speaking to you.
Lovely talking to you too! See you soon

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